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Fixing a Troubled Project

All Project Managers experience difficulties with achieving project success from time to time. Turning around a troubled project is a vital skill for any project manager to master, regardless of their experience level. Managing consistently successful projects, despite any bumps in the road, will act as a demonstration of expertise as a project professional and build credibility with key stakeholders.

How You Will Benefit

Our training provides a general understanding of how to recognize when a project is in trouble and how to effectively turn it around to achieve successful results. Specifically, it compares the characteristics of a successful project with one defined as being in trouble. Additionally, students are provided a series of actions a project manager can take to turn a troubled project into a successful one by completing the project on time, within budget, and satisfying customer requirements.

What You Will Learn

In this course you will learn concepts related to and techniques for managing difficult projects including:

  • Understanding Why Project Managers Need to Care
  • Recognizing the Symptoms and Characteristics of a Troubled Project
  • Identifying the Causes of a Project in Trouble
  • Creating a Plan for Turning Around a Project in Jeopardy

Who Should Attend

This course is intended for experienced project managers who possess a solid understanding of traditional waterfall project management processes. The session discusses the symptoms and causes of projects in trouble and provides 10 important actions to prevent a project in trouble from becoming a disaster.


Video-on-demand; includes 6-months digital access to all training materials.

Duration / PDU Value

This course has been approved by PMI for 1.5 PDUs.


What is a Troubled Project?

  • Course Overview
  • Defining a Project in Trouble

Determining if a Project is in Trouble

  • Characteristics of a Troubled Project
  • Integration, Facts and Data

Turning Around a Project in Trouble

  • Overview
  • Engagement of Key Stakeholders
  • Revisit the Vision of the Project
  • Prioritize Requirements
  • Evaluate Past Performance
  • Re-architect the Plan
  • Identify Outstanding Issues and Their Solutions
  • Conduct Risk Assessment
  • Re-evaluate or Establish Processes and Procedures
  • Keep Focus on the Vision and Priorities
  • Communicate, Communicate, Communicate
  • Additional Insights


Fixing a Troubled Project
Video On Demand
Video on Demand
1.5 PDU hours
$69 USD
$69 USD
Club PDU® Packages
1 Year Subscription
1 year subscription to over 150+ PDU hours
$495 USD
Club PDU - 1 Year Subscription
Club PDU - 1 Year Subscription
$495 USD
Endorsed IIBA Certification Training Provider
Project Management Academy BBB Business Review
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Top 10 Elearning Courses 2021