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Project Management in Practice

Project management is more than creating schedules and conducting meetings. The role of the Project Manager is diverse and requires a broad skillset. This interactive course will provide participants with some of the best practices for the most critical project management aspects and give participants an opportunity to learn from each other through guided discussion focused on the most important facets of Project Management.

How You Will Benefit

This course will focus on critical components of project management and will go beyond A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) by addressing areas that are most important for project managers to get right. Learners will gain an understanding of best practices and discuss project issues incurred and identify potential solutions. This is an interactive course where participants will provide insight on best practices and learn from each other.

What You Will Learn

In this course you will learn how to effectively manage a project, including:

  • Role of the Project Manager
  • Optimizing Communications across all Stakeholder groups
  • How to effectively Drive and Use Stakeholder Analysis to drive project success
  • Best Practices to Engage Stakeholders in Risk Identification, Response and Resolution
  • Creating and maintaining a High Performance Team by understanding of team dynamics, global teams, and conflict resolution
  • How to turn a Troubled Project around
  • Tools to assist the Project Manager
  • Effective Change Management to Ensure Project Adoption

Who Should Attend

This course is intended for Project Managers that want to learn and share best practices to effectively manage a project.


Virtual PM in Practice
Virtual Classroom: Live, virtual instructor-led presentation

Duration / PDU Value

This course is 5 hours long with a 30 minute break. This course has been approved by PMI for 4.5 PDUs.


    Role of the Project Manager

  • Characteristics of a Project Manager
  • Skills required to be effective
  • Lessons learned from the best Project Managers

    Optimizing Communication Across All Stakeholder Groups

  • Effective Communication strategies and tactics
  • Managing Sponsors and other Key Stakeholders
  • Enhancing Project Team communication to drive engagement
  • Conducting Effective Meetings

    Stakeholder Analysis

  • Stakeholder Engagement Process
  • Review of Best Stakeholder Analysis models
  • Top Stakeholder Analysis techniques to drive engagement

    Risk Identification, Response and Resolution

  • Review of Key Principles, Terms and Concepts
  • Challenges, and the Human Side of Risk Management
  • Monitoring Risks and Implementing Responses

    High Performance Project Teams

  • Building a High-Performance Project Team
  • Leading Global Teams
  • Managing and Resolving Conflict

    How to Turn a Troubled Project Around

  • What is a Troubled Project
  • Determining if a Project is in Trouble
  • Turning Around a Troubled Project

    Tools to Assist a Project Manager

  • Considerations for Selecting a Project Management tool
  • Top Project Management tools

    Effective Change Management to Ensure Project Adoption

  • Resistance to Change
  • Engage and Manage the Users
  • Engage and manage the Stakeholders
PM in Practice Course Schedule
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Endorsed IIBA Certification Training Provider
Project Management Academy BBB Business Review
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Top 10 Elearning Courses 2021