PMI-ACP® Certification Training Salt Lake City, UT
PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)® is one of Project Management Institutes premier Agile certifications designed to highlight experienced Agilist's understanding of a number of Agile methodologies. In addition to preparing you for the exam, this PMI-ACP exam prep course is designed to teach you the team-centric principles and practices of agile, including Scrum, Kanban, Lean and more. Don't let this opportunity pass you by, register today for one of our PMI-ACP exam prep courses.
PMI-ACP Certification Training Course
Instructor-led course, available in 4 convenient formats: Live Virtual Classroom, Live Instructor-led Classroom, Video-On-Demand and In-House
Satisfies the 28 contact hours (PDUs) required to take the PMI-ACP exam
Includes digital PMI-ACP exam prep materials, training aids, online resources, realistic sample questions and 6-months access to our online training portal
Web-based video-on-demand includes online access to the official PMI, self-paced course, which allows you to learn at your own pace
PMI-ACP Exam Prep Training Portal Features
Built-in practice exams
Asynchronous tutoring support
On-demand training videos
Logical content organization
Downloadable attachments
100% Money-Back Guarantee
We provide a true 100% Money-Back Guarantee for the PMI-ACP certification course. If you do not pass the exam after 3 attempts we will refund the full tuition amount. Our promise is simple:
You must attend the entire PMI-ACP certification Live or Virtual course and complete one full-length practice exam from our online training portal.
If you do not pass the PMI-ACP exam in three attempts, we will refund your entire PMI-ACP exam prep course tuition, provided that all attempts occurred within 120 calendar days of completing the course.
Guaranteed To Run
All PMI-ACP certification courses are 100% guaranteed to run on the dates listed. Yes, even if there's only one student. While other providers often postpone courses due to low enrollment, we promise to never do that.
Live, instructor-led PMI-ACP exam bootcamp at our training facilities. You will also receive digital PMI-ACP exam prep materials and 6-months access to our online training portal.
Virtual Classroom: 3 days of web-based eLearning with a live instructor. You will also receive digital PMI-ACP exam prep materials and 6-months access to our online training portal.
Video-On-Demand: Video-on-demand with online training portal and practice exams. This includes 6-months digital access to all training materials.
In-House: If you have 10 or more employees seeking PMI-ACP certification training, we will deliver the course at your facility (or another location in your area, if you prefer). The training can be scheduled during any two consecutive days of your choosing.
Virtual Classroom: 3 days of live instructor-led PMI-ACP certification training course, plus additional access to online training videos and practice exams taken on your own time
Video-On-Demand: 28 hours at your own pace via the official PMI self-paced course
Live, instructor-led at our training facilities: 3 days of instructor-led PMI-ACP certification training course (8:30am-6pm), plus additional access to online training videos and practice exams
In-House: 3 days instructor-led at your training facility or a facility of your choosing
Who Should Attend
This PMI-ACP exam prep course is intended for anyone who wants to learn the principles and practices of agile. For those looking to get certified, please read the PMI-ACP certification requirements found on the PMI-ACP Application Process page.