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What are the Three Components of the PMI Talent Triangle
PMI Talent Triangle

What are the Three Components of the PMI Talent Triangle®?

Project Management Institute (PMI) identified the PMI Talent Triangle® skill areas to guide Project Management Professional (PMP)® credential holders in their continuing education efforts. These skill areas are Business Acumen, Ways of Working, and Power Skills. On this page: The Three Components of the Talent Triangle PMI Talent Triangle skill areas | Business Acumen PMI

The PMI Talent Triangle® Sets PDU Requirements
PDU, PMI Talent Triangle

The PMI Talent Triangle® Sets PDU Requirements

Project Management Institute (PMI) oversees multiple project management certification programs, such as the Project Management Professional (PMP)®. Every PMI certification has specific Professional Development Unit (PDU) requirements for credential maintenance. All PDU work is tracked against the three branches of the PMI Talent Triangle®: Ways of Working, Power Skills, and Business Acumen. On this page:

PDU Requirements for Maintaining Your PMI Certification
PDU, PMI Talent Triangle

PDU Requirements for Maintaining Your PMI Certification

PMI uses Professional Development Unit (PDU) requirements aligned to the PMI Talent Triangle® for their Continuing Certification Requirements System (CCRS). This is used to manage certification status for all credential holders. On this page: Maintain your PMI certifications like the PMP® PMI Talent Triangle® PDU requirements Ways to earn PDUs Continuing Certification Requirements System (CCRS)

The PMI Talent Triangle Updates
PDU, PMI Talent Triangle

The Evolving PMI Talent Triangle®

The evolution of The PMI Talent Triangle® should be of interest to all current Project Management Institute (PMI) credential holders. Since it’s introduction in 2015, The PMI Talent Triangle® has been continuously evolving to reflect changes in the project management landscape. In an effort to provide the most comprehensive and up-to date training available for modern

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