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Future Proof the PMO
Project Management

Future Proofing the PMO

The business landscape is shifting beneath our feet, and organizations need to be light on their toes. Technological disruptions, workforce changes, and customer demands are creating a perfect storm of challenges. To weather this, companies must prioritize resilience and adaptability. PMOs are uniquely positioned to lead this charge. They can do more than just keep […]

Effective Communication for Managers
Project Management

The Importance of Effective Communication for Managers

Being a manager is a multi-faceted position. It requires managing personnel and resources, solving problems, thinking critically and creatively, being a leader, and coordinating many moving parts simultaneously. However, to be a successful manager, there is nothing more critical than exhibiting excellent communication skills. Even still, developing adequate communication skills in managers is often not

What are Project Interdependencies in Project Management
Project Management

What are Project Interdependencies in Project Management?

Learn what project interdependencies and dependencies are to improve your risk management efforts and better ensure your project goals are met. On this page: Project interdependencies and dependencies in project management What is a project interdependency? Types of project interdependencies Examples of project interdependencies What is a project dependency? Types of project dependencies Examples of

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