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Project Management Academy
Project Manager in Matrix Organization
Project Management

Project Manager in a Matrix World

How a business is structured can impact efficiencies, and Project Managers need a deep understanding of the organizational structure to successfully realize the best project outcomes. A common model is the “matrixed” organization, in which employees have both departmental and functional managers. In a matrixed organizational structure, an employee has a primary manager plus one

Agile for All
Agile, Project Management

Agile for All

Teams that seek to deliver quality, tested deliverables in as short a timeframe as possible are likely already using Agile practices even if they do not know it. The Agile Project Management framework in fact leverages practices that are so common that they do not have an “origin” story, such as prioritization, stand-up meetings, and

Status Report Tips
Project Management

What is the Status of Your Status Reports?

The time you spend to ensure you have effective and efficient status reports, will benefit you in current projects and beyond. Use the three tips below to take a careful look at your current reporting and find ways to make it move from a “yellow” or “red” status to “green” thus ensuring better communications in

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