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Volunteer PDU Opportunities Near You

Serving as a volunteer to maintain a Project Management Institute (PMI) credential connects you to a professional community while simultaneously earning you Professional Development Units (PDU). You can think of PMI volunteer opportunities as a resource connecting you and your local PMI chapter and giving back to the Project Management profession.

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Earning Giving Back PDUs

Whether you have a Project Management Professional (PMP)® certification or another PMI credential, service to the profession is at the center of PMI’s core values. In PMI’s Certification Requirements Handbook, volunteering is defined as “providing volunteer services to non-employer or non-client organizations.” There is not a specific “PMI volunteer PDU.” PMI applies volunteer hours to the Giving Back PDU category because of the unique opportunities “to expand your knowledge and skills while growing both personally and professionally.”

PMI members can access PMI volunteer opportunities such as working with your local PMI chapter or applying your professional domain skills as part of a service project for a non-profit organization.

Benefits of volunteer work

Project Management Institute highlights four benefits of volunteer work:

  • Establish, expand, and/or maintain your professional network
  • Grow your project management skills
  • Develop your leadership skills through practical experiences
  • Earn PDU hours towards PMI certification renewals

While volunteering for PDU credit is important for your professional development, it also gives you a sense of pride and accomplishment in giving back. Additionally, you will gain skills that you can include on your resume to give yourself a better chance of landing your next job.

PMI volunteer opportunities

Giving Back happens in many ways. Project Management Institute volunteer opportunities include:

  • Board Support Committees
  • PMI Educational Foundation (PMIEF)
  • PMI Board of Directors
  • Insight Teams
  • Region Mentors
  • Standards Committees
  • Exam Development Volunteers
  • PMI Awards Evaluators
  • Presenters at PMI Events
  • PMI Publication Reviewers
  • Chapter Volunteers

PMI members should use the PMI Volunteer Relationship Management System to find volunteer opportunities based on their area PMI chapters, geographical location, and interests. And remember, PMI also accepts volunteer work that is your sharing of “domain-related services to other not-for-profit organizations.” At the center of any volunteer effort is how it gives back to the profession.

Most volunteer activities are time-driven with no out-of-pocket expenses; thus, it is a very affordable means to enjoy professional benefits.

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Example of local chapter volunteer opportunities

Volunteer work is at the center of all PMI chapters. The North Carolina PMI chapter, NCPMI, like all local PMI chapters, is tightly connected to the global organization while also being a regional resource for professionals. The volunteer benefits listed on the volunteer page include free chapter meeting attendance, opportunities to be a volunteer spotlight, PDU hours, and professional networking. Different chapters may have other volunteer benefits or highlights, but the appreciation for volunteer efforts is universal.

You can volunteer in many ways. For example, the NCPMI volunteer opportunities include communication, programs, education, membership, marketing, and administration. You could present at a PMI chapter meeting, manage the name badge table at an annual chapter event, or update chapter web content – all fall within volunteer work that enables the local chapter to meet the needs of PMI members.

Applying for PMI volunteer opportunities

You have access to PMI volunteer resources and the PMI volunteer application for local PMI chapters with a PMI membership.

PMI manages a Volunteer Relationship Management System (VRMS) to allow members to search for opportunities. Log into the site with your PMI membership to access the VRMS and VRMS Guide. All PMI volunteers agree to be bound by the PMI volunteer agreement.

How many PDUs will volunteering earn you?

As with any PDU related activity, for professional volunteering, PMI converts the time to PDU values as:

1 Hour Giving Back is Equivalent to 1 PDU
1 hour of volunteering = 1 PDU hour

Each PMI certification has a renewal cycle with PDU credit requirements. Review the PMI Certification Requirements Handbook for specific PDU counts by category and certification. There is no “PMI Volunteer PDU” because volunteer activities for PDU credits are reported within the Giving Back PDU category.

How can I report PDU hours for volunteer work?

Reporting a volunteer PDU activity is the same for all PMI certifications.

PMI Login Portal
PMI Login Portal
Link to Report PDUs on PMI Website
Link to Report PDUs on PMI Website

Volunteering PDU hours fall within the Giving Back category. To submit your claim, give the following information:

  • name of the organization for which volunteering was performed
  • name of volunteer service activity
  • description of the volunteer activity
  • dates of volunteering

How volunteer work contributes to the Project Management profession

Volunteer work is a critical resource for the entire PMI organization and its local chapters. The information generated through PMI volunteer work, such as publications, web articles, and certification exam questions, enhances the overall knowledge base for all project managers. Additionally, the volunteer work in chapter events, education programs for members, and service projects foster a supportive professional community. When you are giving back to earn PDU hours, you are also giving back to the community.


PMI’s Certification Requirements Handbook lists requirements for all PMI certifications, including PDU categories and limits. PMI certification holders are responsible for tracking all PDU-related activities, including volunteer work. Within the “Giving Back” category, you can volunteer on behalf of a PMI local chapter, share content or write for PMI, or provide domain-related skills to a non-profit organization.

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Author profile
Megan Bell
Megan Bell
Project Manager & Writer at Project Management Academy
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