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PMP Formulas

Point of Assumption

Different types of contracts have different requirements and budget impacts. Project Managers who are working towards earning the Project Management Institute (PMI)’s Project Management Professional (PMP)® certification should have a basic understanding of contracts and project formulas connected to different types of contracts. For instance, the point of total assumption calculation can be used with […]

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PMP Formulas

PMP Exam Prep: Standard Deviation (SD)

Standard deviation, from a project management lens, is used most frequently in the manage and control quality processes. Project Managers seeking to enhance their skill set or who are preparing for the Project Management Institute (PMI)’s Project Management Professional (PMP)® certification exam, should know the basic formula for calculating Standard Deviation (SD), understand its role

Man holding pen stopping dominoes from falling
PMP Formulas

PMP Exam Prep: Variance at Completion (VAC)

Variance is the amount of change from the original plan. In the project management context, a variance can be a problem or risk, with an impact on the schedule and budget. Calculating “Variance at Completion” (VAC) is a way for project managers to forecast cost variance (CV) at the end of the project. Project Managers

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PMP Formulas

Free Float vs Total Float

Until Project Managers can control time itself, they can benefit from the use of “float” in project schedules to better manage how activity duration impacts the project completion date. Within project management, there are different types of float: free float, total float, and project float. It’s important to understand the similarities and differences between free

PMP Formulas

Cost Variance (CV) Formula: CV PMP Exam Guide

Variance analysis is a helpful tool for analyzing your project’s health, monitoring deviations from your budget or schedule, and identifying corrective actions promptly. Cost variance analysis is specifically intended to help you complete your project within the approved budget. This guide by your experts at Project Management Academy will help you understand how to apply

PMP Formulas

About the Parametric Estimating PMP Exam Tool

Parametric estimating is a practical quantitative approach to various PMP exam-related processes, such as estimating costs. This project management tool helps determine a project’s expected time or cost requirements based on historical or market data. Learn more from your Project Management Academy experts about parametric estimating and what you need to know for the PMP

PMP Formulas

Understanding Internal Rate of Return (IRR) for the PMP® Exam

Business professionals, including Project Managers, should have a clear understanding of the accounting term “Internal Rate of Return” (IRR) for its value in making informed financial decisions and in project selection choices. IRR is the “interest rate at which the cash inflow and cash outflow of the project equal zero” and is an economic method for

PMP Formulas

A Three-Point Estimating Technique: PERT

The Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) is used to find the estimated time for activities to be completed when there are many unknown factors. With origins in the US Navy, PERT has been in use for over 60 years, speaking to the value it brings to project managers. The Project Management Institute (PMI)’s Project

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