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Continuing Education, PDU

Volunteer PDU Opportunities Near You

Serving as a volunteer to maintain a Project Management Institute (PMI) credential connects you to a professional community while simultaneously earning you Professional Development Units (PDU). You can think of PMI volunteer opportunities as a resource connecting you and your local PMI chapter and giving back to the Project Management profession. On this page: Earning Giving

Continuing Education, PDU

Earn PMI PDUs from Webinars

Project Management Institute (PMI) manages the Project Management Professional (PMP)® certification program, including the Professional Development Units (PDUs) to maintain credentials. For any PMI certification, including the PMP, webinars help you grow project management skills while fulfilling your PMI credential requirements. On this page: Professional Development Unit Earning credit from PMI PDU webinars How to

Risk Management

PMI-RMP® Exam Changes for 2022

The Project Management Institute (PMI) has announced upcoming changes to the PMI Risk Management Professional (PMI-RMP)® certification exam. The updated exam is expected to be released on April 1, 2022. Review this Project Management Academy guide to the PMI-RMP® exam changes to learn how best to prepare for the new PMI-RMP® exam. On this page:

Risk Management

Risk Identification in Project Management

Project Management Institute defines risk as “an uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or negative effect on a project’s objectives.” Potential risks include external, internal, technical, or unforeseeable threats and opportunities to your project and deliverables. Learn more about how to identify risk in project management and what you should

Continuing Education, PDU

Understanding the Difference Between a PDU and CEU

Documenting your continued efforts to remain current in Project Management skills, tools, and standards is required for maintaining that hard-earned Project Management Professional (PMP)® designation from the Project Management Institute (PMI). PMI uses its Professional Development Unit (PDU) as its measurement for continuing education. To remain an active PMP credential, Project Managers must continuously earn

Continuing Education, PDU

How to Claim PDUs for your PMI Certification

Earning a passing score on the Project Management Institute (PMI)’s Project Management Professional (PMP)® exam is a milestone! It is also not the end of your professional development. The PMI uses their Professional Development Unit (PDU) measurement for their continuous education system. To remain a PMP credential, a Project Manager must continuously earn Professional Development

Risk Management

Risk Types in Project Management

What do all projects of all sizes across all industries have in common? The answer is risk. It is just one reason Project Management Institute’s (PMI) standards and certifications for the Project Management Professional (PMP)® certification include risk management. The universal fact of risk is every project will have a unique blend of risk types

Continuing Education, PDU

How Many PDUs are Required for PMP® Certification Maintenance?

Earning a PMP certification is a significant achievement that demonstrates your knowledge, experience, and dedication to excellence in project management. PMP credential holders must meet ongoing professional development requirements to uphold this high standard of expertise. You are required to track your professional development activities using the Project Management Institute (PMI) metric of Professional Development

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