PMI Certification Renewal and PDUs

Ongoing professional development is essential for maintaining your Project Management Institute (PMI) certification. You should set aside some time at least once per quarter to earn PDU credits you can apply towards certification renewal. Learn all about PMI certification renewal and PDUs from your Project Management Academy experts. On this page: What is a PMI …

Erin Aldridge, PMP, PMI-ACP, & CSPO

Easiest Ways to Earn PDU Credits in Project Management

Earning Professional Development Units (PDUs) to maintain your Project Management Institute (PMI) certification can be challenging for busy project managers. Here are some of the easiest ways to earn PDU credits in Project Management, which will fulfill PMI’s Continuing Certification Requirements. On this page: PDU Project Management Categories and Requirements Easy ways to PM PDUs …

Erin Aldridge, PMP, PMI-ACP, & CSPO