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PMP Formulas

Budget at Completion (BAC)

Budget at Completion formula PMP® Exam Topic One of the critical concepts within the Earned Value area of formal project management is Budget at Completion (BAC). The Project Management Institute (PMI)’s Project Management Professional (PMP)® certification exam may include questions about, or driven by, the earned value (EV) performance calculations, including BAC. The great news […]

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PMP Formulas

Three-Point Estimating PMP® Exam Resource

Producing a project estimate for the potential time, effort, and cost required is essential in project planning. One estimating technique suggested by the Project Management Institute in the A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) is three-point estimating. This Project Management Academy resource will help you understand three-point estimating and relevant

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PMP Formulas

Schedule Performance Index (SPI) for PMP® Exam Prep

Time is money. For project managers, clients, leaders, business owners, stakeholders, and well, anyone in a professional role working collaboratively on a project, “will it be done on time?” is a question packed with meaning. Project managers use proven formulas to provide data-based predictions for schedule and cost, such as the Schedule Performance Index (SPI).

PMP Formulas

Benefit-Cost Ratio PMP® Exam Guide

Resource limitations may require you to decide if a project is worth pursuing or which project to choose from multiple viable options. Using benefit-cost ratios can help ensure you are using your resources in the best way possible. Your team at Project Management Academy has put together this guide outlining everything you need to know

PMP Formulas

Cost Performance Index (CPI) for PMP® Exam Prep

Anyone in a project management role knows the top questions asked by the customer (or boss) will be: “when will it be done?” and “how much will it cost?” Although project managers do not have a crystal ball to see into the future, there are proven formulas to provide data-based predictions for schedule and cost.

Professional Development

Use Your PMP® Certification To Prepare for Program and Portfolio Management

Project Management is a dynamic and diverse field that can provide career opportunities across industries and even the globe. The international governing body Project Management Institute (PMI) closely monitors the requirements for achieving the Project Management Professional (PMP®) certification to ensure standards are met no matter where the project manager is working. Yet, earning your

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